Oman Brunei Investment Company SAOC

Explore untapped investment opportunities across a variety of industries in Oman & Brunei


Oman Brunei Investment Company SAOC (OBIC) is a 50-50 joint venture between the governments of the Sultanate of Oman and the Sultanate of Brunei, represented by Oman Investment Authority and Brunei Investment Agency, respectively.

Oman Investment Authority (OIA)

Was established on the 4th of June 2020 as an independent legal entity by royal decree 61/2020. OIA is the main investment arm of the government holding all assets which were previously held by the State General Reserve Fund (SGRF), the Oman Investment Fund (OIF) and other assets which were directly owned by the Ministry of Finance excluding Petroleum Development Oman (PDO).

Brunei Investment Agency (BIA)

Was set up in 1983 as the agency that holds and manages the government of Brunei's investments and its external assets.

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