Oman Brunei Investment Company SAOC

OBIC is a closed joint stock company registered under the Commercial Companies Law of the Sultanate of Oman. The company is principally involved in the business of investing in diversified sectors of the economy, mainly in Oman and Brunei. It’s a Joint Venture Between The Governments of the Sultanate of Oman and the Sultanate of Brunei. The objective for which the company is established is to facilitate and manage various investments and joint ventures in Oman, GCC and Brunei. OBIC invests across a diverse Range Of Sectors in Order To promote social, financial and economic benefits to Oman, GCC and Brunei as well as create value for its shareholders.

OBIC has a diversified portfolio of investments that includes sectors such as aviation, healthcare, hospitality, infrastructure, manufacturing, aquaculture and education.

We strive to become a recognized investor in sustainable economic and development projects while ensuring above average long-term returns through investing in a diversified portfolio. We believe in strong strategic partnerships and joint ventures to back new companies.

OBIC is committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance, in both conducting its business and managing its investments in the portfolio companies. Professionalism in everything we do.

About us

Welcome to Oman Brunei Investment Company SAOC. We are a private equity fund that strives to become a recognized investor in sustainable economic and development projects in the Sultanate of Oman, the Sultanate of Brunei and the GCC, focused on generating financial and social returns.

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